


I find myself constantly distracted. A conversation, a thought, or an activity can lead me down a rabbit hole. At some point in the past, to help me understand my distractions, I went down another rabbit hole...

Distractions from Material Possessions

Initially, I believed that the objects I owned might be contributing to my distractions. Inspired by minimalist philosophies, I examined my possessions and asked if they truly had any meaning for me. Surprisingly, I discovered that I didn’t own much to begin with. The real insight was that owning fewer items allowed me to move around more freely and focus less on material satisfaction. While this didn’t directly address my distractions, it did simplify my life and reduce potential triggers.

Distractions from the Mind

The main source of my distractions, I realized, was my own mind. Years after my initial exploration of minimalism, I still found myself diverted by random thoughts and impulses. This led me to investigate meditation, a practice that initially seemed nearly impossible. Sitting still and focusing on my breath for even a few seconds was a challenge. My mind would wander to a joke, an itch, or a myriad of unrelated thoughts. Over time, and with persistent practice, I managed to extend these moments of focus into minutes and eventually hours.

The Role of Meditation

Meditation revealed a whole world inside me, one I could explore at will. One profound realization from this practice was that I had the power to choose how I reacted to distractions. The first thought that pops into my head doesn’t have to be the one I latch onto. By leaning into the discomfort of detaching myself from my initial thoughts, I gradually learned to manage my distractions more effectively.

Balancing Exploration and Exploitation

Distractions can be both detrimental and beneficial. When I let myself get carried away by every random thought, it often leads to inefficiency and frustration. However, distractions also have a positive side. They can serve as a form of exploration, much like how an AI agent tries various strategies to find the best solution. We too can explore different distractions to discover new interests or creative solutions. The key is to balance exploration with methodical exploitation to reach our goals efficiently.

[1] Why the stuff? Probably, because the YouTube algorithm at the time was really pushing minimalism.

NB: I was distracted about 30 times trying to write this post.